Pearl Friends Interviews: Hisano and Barbara discuss little h

I've been so fortunate to spend the past half decade with a truly talented artist and pearl designer who never ceases to amaze me with her creative works both with pearls and without.

Hisano was recently honored by the Cultured Pearl Association of America winning The CPAA International Pearl Design Competition's Orient Award for compelling design esthetic and inspiring a new affinity for pearls for her Pearl Geode designs.

Hisano's little h line will be debuting at the Design Center in Las Vegas during the annual JCK Jewelry Show. I'm so proud of her.

Our good friend, client and long-time Pearl-Guide member spent a couple of days with us this past week and decided to interview Hisano in a live webinar. In case you missed it, the recorded version is below!


  • Jeremy Shepherd


    Hisano has her own website,

  • Laura

    How does somebody buy the earrings they talk in min 6? The ones with the sliced pearls and diamonds? I am sorry if I didn’t look enough on your website, I’ll keep trying….
    Thank you !

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