The 7th Annual Pearl-Guide Ruckus

We were honored to host The 7th Annual Pearl-Guide Ruckus once again last month in the Pacific Palisades, just outside of Los Angeles!

For those of you who have considered joining this growing group of pearl enthusiasts, pearl vendors and pearl farmers from around the world, maybe this fun video will help push you along. We love to make new Pearl Friends!



  • Jeremy


    Chenai sent you an email!

  • Berna

    I would love to come to a Ruckus. How do I find out more?

  • Berna

    I would love to come to a Ruckus. How do I find out more?

  • Sheri Jurnecka

    Still basking in the pearly afterglow of a perfect weekend among lovely people and lustrous pearls… Thank you so much!!!

  • Sarah Canizzaro

    That was a great video! Thank you again Jeremy and Hisano, and all of our Pearl-guide family!
    Already looking forward to next year! Towards the luster! With love and gratitude, Sarah and Mounir

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